On the M mug, Thingumy and Bob hide in the Moomins’ cellar with their mysterious suitcase. They talk in their own strange way, and only Hemulen seems to get what they’re saying. The illustration on the back side of the larger mug is inspired by the book “Finn Family Moomintroll”. Moomin by Arabia, mug 0.4 l, ABC M.
Vit koyra vørur út kring alt landið. Møguleiki er eisini at heinta vøruna í handlinum í Tórshavn.
Ynskir tú at umbýta eina vøru, ið er koyrd út, mást tú rinda fyri at senda vøruna aftur og fáa nýggja koyrda út.
Kanska tær eisini dámar
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