Finn Juhl Skál

SKU: 654
Søluprísur 474,94 kr
Søluprísur 474,94 kr Tilboðsprísur 474,94 kr
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  • Útbering kring alt landið
  • 14 dagar umbýtingarrættur
  • Trygg gjaldsloysn
  • Á goymslu
Íroknað MVG. Frakt verður roknað við kassan.

The essence of Finn Juhl

FJ Essence illuminates the unique aesthetics of Finn Juhl. The curved and crisp white porcelain surface are what made Finn Juhl famous on an international level.

Originally, Finn Juhl designed FJ Essence in 1952, but it never went into production because the shapes were too complex. After 60 years, ARCHITECTMADE rediscovered the old drawings and brought FJ Essence to life. They are all hand-grazed, and true to its original design.

Vit koyra vørur út kring alt landið. Møguleiki er eisini at heinta vøruna í handlinum í Tórshavn.

Ynskir tú at umbýta eina vøru, ið er koyrd út, mást tú rinda fyri at senda vøruna aftur og fáa nýggja koyrda út.

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Meir frá Architectmade
Finn Juhl Skál
474,94 kr