The enchanting and mystical Ancestor of the Moomins is small and hairy, only moves in the nighttime, and never speaks. He lives in the Moominhouse parlour behind the tile stove and decorates the Moominhouse as he likes, for example, by turning paintings upside down. The one-litre Ancestor pitcher has many uses, it's great for serving juice, water or milk or even as a festive container for sauces.
Vit koyra vørur út kring alt landið. Møguleiki er eisini at heinta vøruna í handlinum í Tórshavn.
Ynskir tú at umbýta eina vøru, ið er koyrd út, mást tú rinda fyri at senda vøruna aftur og fáa nýggja koyrda út.
Kanska tær eisini dámar
Meir frá Iittala